Providing a Feature

To contribute a feature to SuiteCRM, similar to providing a Bug Fix, you must create a forked repository of SuiteCRM and set up your git and development environment.

Once done, create a new branch from develop and name it relevant to the feature’s propose e.g campaign-wizard-ui. Following our Coding Standards develop the new feature and ensure your forked repository is kept up to date with minor/major releases. See our Quick Guide to Fork SuiteCRM to update your repository.

Make sure your commit messages are relevant and descriptive. When ready to submit for review make a Pull Request detailing your feature’s functionality.

Ensure that in your Pull Request that the base fork is salesagility/SuiteCRM and base branch is develop and the head fork is your repository and the base branch is your feature branch.

Add any new PHPUnit tests to the new feature branch if required e.g new modules or classes.

Reviewing Features

We will review the code and provide feedback within the Pull Request and issues relating to your feature. If the feature is to be included in the core product we will request for the forked repo to have an Issues tab so we can raise any bugs from our testing. This will also allow you to fix those issues using the below commit message format similar to how to submit bug fixes to the hotfix-7.8.x branch.

git commit -m "Fixed #1436 - Reports with nested Parentheses are removing parameters"

You can add an Issues tab to your forked repository via the Settings tab.

New features that have been accepted and merged will be included in the next suitable Major release of the project for e.g 7.7 or 7.8 are major releases. Minor releases only include bug fixes or in-house features developed, e.g 7.6.5 or 7.7.1 would be minor releases.

Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.